
Sunflower learn the characteristics of the development of efficient solar power system

Some solar panels to track the sun's position to obtain higher efficiency, but basically GPS positioning, engine-driven active tracking mode, although you can get more energy, but its own need to consume energy.

    Recently, the University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers draw on the sunflower passive Muko characteristics, combined with a liquid crystal elastomer (LCE) and carbon nanotube material, extra energy consumption without engine-driven, so the solar panels can passively track the sun direct direction, so as to improve the efficiency of solar power generation system. Related study, published in the "Advanced Functional Materials" by "Nature" reported as Research Highlights.

    The LCE will shrink when heated, and the carbon nanotubes can absorb a larger range of wavelengths of light. The researchers in the solar panel is installed a plurality of drive constituted by an LCE,
grid tie inverter and a plurality of carbon nanotubes, carbon nanotubes around the LCE around. The carbon nanotubes absorb light and gradually warming up, and thus make the LCE contraction, the direction of direct sunlight absorb more light, LCE shrink more, the entire device as the sun moves always bending to the light direction of the strongest. In preliminary tests, this method enables the efficiency of solar panels by 10%. Researchers are working to improve the material properties, so that it can drive larger solar panels.
After years of policy guidance and hard efforts of major companies, after China's power structure optimization trend is clear: According to the monitoring data released by the State Electricity Regulatory Commission and the CEC released 1 to Sept. profiles of the production of electric power industry, China clean energy power generation capacity increased significantly clean energy generating capacity increased by not more than a big difference, and continue to increase investment in clean energy, indicating that China's power structure optimization, the process began to accelerate.

Clean energy installed quickly increase

If you do not consider the power factors only view from the installed power capacity in recent years, the pace of China's power structure optimization is very large. The data show: In 2010, China's power installed capacity of 966.413 million kilowatts, of which $ 216,057,200 kilowatts installed hydropower (including small hydropower), installed a growth rate of 10.07% compared with the previous year, hydropower, thermal power faster than growth speed (9.00%), nuclear power growth rate reached 19.23%. Installed wind power growth reached 68.05% of surprising.

In 2011, China's total installed capacity amounted to 1,062,530,000 kilowatts, compared with the previous year, an increase of 9.95%, although the growth rate (7.83%) of the installed capacity of hydropower is less than the average, but the growth rate of the thermal power (8.27%) does not meet the average. Nuclear power, wind power, solar panel power, and other exciting growth rate: nuclear 16.13%, 56.32% wind power, and solar power generation reached 768.00% of the surprising.

According to the CEC released the country's electricity industry production profiles, until the end of September this year, 6,000 kilowatts and above power plants generating equipment capacity 1,063,460,000 kilowatts, an increase of 8.7% year-on-year. Which hydropower 205.33 million kilowatts, an increase of 7.1% year-on-year; 787.44 million kilowatts of thermal power, a year-on-year growth of 7.3%; 12.57 million kilowatts of nuclear power, a year-on-year growth of 5.6%; 55.21 million kilowatts of wind power, a year-on-year growth of 37.2%. The installed capacity of clean energy continues to grow.

Clean energy power generation accounts for significantly improved

In the past few years, China's installed capacity of clean energy continues to grow, but until last year, the increase in China's clean energy generating capacity is not obvious, a welcome change, and this case is no longer this year.

According to the monitoring data released by the State Electricity Regulatory Commission, in September, China's clean energy power generation of 100 billion kwh, an increase of 43%, which an increase of 52%, hydropower, wind power grew 27%. As of September, the nationwide consumer satisfied clean energy power 715.7 billion kwh, up 22.5%, accounting for 20.0% of all electricity to the power grid, an increase of 3.1 percentage points compared with the same period last year. Which, hydropower 573.2 billion kwh, an increase of 24.3%; wind power 70.6 billion kwh, an increase of 31.8%; nuclear power 72 billion kwh, an increase of 10.7%.

Another welcome change is to continue to increase investment in clean energy. January to September, the National Power Engineering completed an investment of 233.7 billion yuan, 82.1 billion yuan of which hydropower and thermal power of 63.1 billion yuan, 51.9 billion yuan of nuclear power, wind power and 34.3 billion yuan. National power inverter to add production capacity of 41.38 million kilowatts (formally put into production), 9.37 million kilowatts, of which hydropower, thermal power of 25.82 million kilowatts, 5.88 million kilowatts of wind power.

