100 years ago, a man named Tokuji Hayakawa coppersmith and inventor, opened his first store in Tokyo, sold his Tokubijo unit belt buckle and Hayakawa mechanical pencil, continued development, and establish a an industrial empire "Sharp".
Production of Japan 's first transistor radio, the world's first mass production of microwave oven, an LCD calculator and the first solar panel manufacturing enterprise. After 100 years of continuous innovation, Sharp's stock price peaked in 2000-2001, when the company released the first camera phone and groundbreaking AQUOS LCD TV, became a favorite consumer electronics company .
Gray defeat
Due to market forces turned off the advantages of Sharp smartphone, tablet market, although in LCD display technology to maintain technological leadership, Sharp also began to be affected, and the lack of consumer focus, Sharp slowly turned into the world's worst performing company. Sharp stock is the worst performing company in the world, and its credit rating was lowered to "junk" files, many people began to question the leadership's ability to survive.
The death throes Sharp, Foxconn straw?
Problems in
How things have become so bad? Environment of the global economic downturn, certainly play an important role, but Sharp is a lack of vision, can not keep up with the trend of development to promote the company, even if Samsung aid also did not play its due effect.
To be fair, Japan 's national economy is struggling electronics company as an impetus to the overall economic development of the bearing, the situation is the worst. Panasonic in the past 12 months, has lost $ 1.679 billion. November 11, Moody's Sony's credit rating to "junk" grade, which is undoubtedly quite strong yen export is a blow to the TV market oversupply, Japan 's domestic economy also will begin to shrink.
The weak global economy is gradually recovering,power inverter the emerging Samsung has hurt the Japanese electronics industry as a whole. Sharp decline rate than Sony and nearly three times, only because management ineffective implementation, which is the lack of recognition led to the enterprise value.
Sharp has almost give up its consumer brands, and accept a role as a commodity some parts suppliers. From every angle, Sharp fantastic screen is pleasing, which is why Apple purchased from Sharp the iPhone display screen.
However, the fickle consumer electronics industry, as a supplier means lost the power to control their own destiny, the profit becomes thinner. Samsung has said that, as a small component manufacturers want to keep the long-term success, the only way to sell their products to them.
Attract consumers, Sharp done on paper, in practice, however, Sharp obviously do extremely bad. The company barely appeared to seize the attention of consumers struggle smartphone site in the United States , two of the world's most exciting mobile phone brands Apple and Samsung, Sharp smartphone gives a completely enthusiastic attitude.
Sharp not even a good play to its strengths, it produced the world's largest LED TV, but it has been incredibly unsuccessful brand, do not hold the TV market leading position. Samsung and Sony TV as a viable alternative to the home later on.
Future far?
Sharp's leaders themselves acknowledge, Sharp can not survive independently. Currently, only two more difficult Sharp most likely road through the acquisition of the introduction of its manufacturing assets investment, as proposed with Foxconn to deepen relations, may be reached at the end of this month with Qualcomm approximately $ 378 million of investment agreements, one way bankruptcy after selling. If you choose the former, Sharp Although there may be a sum of the capital injection to ease the crisis, but the money and do not have much of a role than the loss, the outlook is still not optimistic.
Sharp how to be saved?
Similar investment in Sharp and Apple, Foxconn helping hand extended, Sharp future changes are likely to play a major role. Foxconn financial support and a lot of labor, and Sharp's high-precision display a combination of expertise, you can create a high-quality, medium-priced TV, either the impact of high-end TV brands, can also occupy the low end of the market in the short term, causing strong sensation. Sharp's fate,grid tie inverter but this will make from this rests in the hands of others!