Plainly, Dawson Creek has made a big bet on the sun. The small city in northeast B.C.,
power inverter with a population of less than 12,000, is aiming to be carbon neutral heading into 2013. In 2011, it changed its building-code bylaws to require that every new house is built “solar panel ready” and to make it easier for homeowners to afford the infrastructure costs. To help pay for its solar panel initiatives, the city imposed a $100-per-tonne levy on its greenhouse gas emissions: Last year, the city emitted 3,600 tonnes, so $360,000 went in to its carbon fund, which is available to projects that reduce carbon emissions (the new downtown arts centre, Bernier says, will be outfitted with solar panel hot-water panels).
In June, the city’s efforts were rewarded when it won the title of Canada’s first solar panel city, an honour bestowed by the Canadian Solar panel Cities Project, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting solar panel technologies.
There’s plenty of competiton. More than 4,000 km away, another large sun-power inverter ed project is under way, with Halifax undertaking its own solar panel -city project. And around the world, a combination of smart economics and concern for the enviornment is fuelling the push for solar panel power inverter .
Australia, for instance, currently has seven solar panel cities – Adelaide, Alice Springs, Blacktown, Central Victoria, Moreland, Perth and Townsville – in different stages of development and operation. In September, Denmark reached its 2020 goal of having the capacity to generate 200 megawatts of solar panel power inverter eight years early thanks to a program that allows households with solar panel to store extra energy on the public
grid tie inverter . And India announced it is ready to invest $84-million to fund the first of 60 solar panel cities, which will see solar panel hot water systems installed in all hopsitals, temples, hotels and other buildings, with street lights also running on solar panel power inverter .
In 2008, Marburg, Germany, passed a “solar panel code” requiring anyone who builds or renovates a building to include solar panel collectors on the roof. Freiberg, also in Germany, is another proud solar panel city thanks to its many projects, including a photovoltaic installation to power inverter the city’s soccer stadium.
With a number of projects on the go, Canada is catching up to global solar panel city leaders. In July, the Ontario Power inverter Authority launched the second version of its microFIT program, which sees homeowners and other landowners sell solar panel -generated power inverter to the electricity grid tie inverter . Approximately 56,000 applications have been submitted since the program was launched in 2009.
“That exceeded what we expected,” says Shawn Cronkwright, director of renewables procurement at the OPA. To date, there are 14,800 microFIT projects in Ontario producing electricity on the grid tie inverter . Another 6,500 projects have been approved and are in development.
As part of a new program approved by the Halifax Regional Council earlier this month, solar panel hot water panels will be installed on up to 1,000 city homes. Residents who participate will pay for the systems through a surcharge on their property tax bill over 10 years while saving on their hot-water costs and earning a greater sense of environmental responsibility.
The project is being funded by a $545,000 grant and a low-interest, $5.4-million loan from the Canadian Federation of Municipalities, says Richard McLellan, Halifax’s manager of energy and environment. Information sessions about the program hosted by the city have been enthusiastically attended. “Normally at a municipal public information hearing, you’re lucky if you get a dozen people,” McLellan says. “We were packing the rooms.”
Homeowners who participate will have to pay approximately $7,000 over 10 years for the equipment and its installation. It’s a significant cost, but it’s an investment that comes with significant returns. “I think it will save me on the order of $600 to $700 a year,” says Chris Majka, a research associate at the Nova Scotia Museum who is participating in the pilot program.
People in the program will get two solar panel collectors, each roughly 1.2 m by 2.4 m. Inside the collectors, there is a metal plate containing tubes through which flows propylene glycol, a non-toxic antifreeze that takes the warmth of the sun and uses it to heat a water tank inside the house.
“Some people go from mid-May to mid-October 100-per-cent solar panel . In the dead of winter, we’re still probably going to supply anywhere from 20 to 40 per cent of the energy on a monthly basis,” says Peter Allen, president of Thermo Dynamics Ltd., a Dartmouth-based manufacturer of solar panel heating equipment that will be supplying the Halifax program.
Halifax is fertile ground for solar panel power inverter , Allen says, because the city has historically been dependent on expensive coal-generated electricity and imported heating oil.
The program promises significant environmental savings. McLellan estimates the solar panel city effort will reduce Halifax’s carbon footprint by 1,500 to 2,000 tons of carbon dioxide annually, or the equivalent emmissions of approximately 400 cars .
The Canadian Solar panel Cities Project gives the title of “solar panel city” based on 10 criteria that include having a climate-change plan in place, targets for renewable-energy use, and policies and incentives for solar panel electricity and solar panel thermal use for both commercial and residential ratepayers.
Halifax would now qualify as a
solar panel city under the organization’s criteria, and there are a handful of other municipalities, says CSCP executive director Bob Haugen. “There’s growing momentum,” he says. As recently as a decade ago having a solar panel on your roof would brand you as a “green hippie,” Haugen says, but today “it’s become very mainstream.”