
ABB m&a Power - One Photovoltaic inverter market growth

Global power inverter and automation giant Swiss ABB group, according to the announcement will be $6.35 per share, valued at about $1.03 billion takeover of the world's second largest photovoltaic inverter manufacturers in the United States, baowei Power companies (Power - One).

ABB, said the deal has won two company's board of directors for approval, pending regulatory approval, is expected to be completed in the second half of this year. , market participants pointed out that if the acquisition is completed in the second half of the year, ABB inverter will be the industry leader.

It became the market an important example of the pv inverter market.

ABB purchase Power - One

Photovoltaic inverter "because of the fast approaching" parity "online, solar is becoming refactoring the main power in the future energy structure."

HaoKun ABB group chief executive, said inverter is the "intelligence center" photovoltaic power generation system, through the acquisition will make ABB global pv inverter industry leader.

HaoKun explains that "some question why ABB in the realms of relative chaos solar business at this time.

This is because, if wait until industry prospect, the purchase price will be a few times now", ABB purchase solar power inverter supplier at this time is in the case of foreseen the global market demand change, the best opportunity to grasp into this industry.

As the acquisition is completed, the Power - One will combine business to ABB group, discrete automation and motion control, and realize the power-and-power union.

The personage inside course of study thinks, the deal will help baowei power get a lot of research and development, service and marketing resources, and complement ABB business, the rapid growth of photovoltaic inverter will ensure that its status as a global pv inverter main suppliers, strengthen the company's leadership in the field of power electronics.

ABB inverter, head of global business that ABB pv inverter sales forecasts for 2013 will exceed $100 million.

