
And mutation and foreign markets, especially Europe and the capacity to contract solar inverters

Photovoltaic capacity in regional centralized phenomenon, such as jiangsu, hebei, jiangxi region concentrated a large number of Chinese pv companies, the country almost every development zone has its own new energy base, new energy sources such as grid tie inverter in the capital construction enterprises, this is not conducive to industrial agglomeration brings economies of scale and scope of effect.

Photovoltaic (pv) industry overcapacity is mainly lack of final demand.

Solar energy is developed by state subsidies, and thermal power cannot be competitive.

Got into the mess, and photovoltaic (pv) there is a close relationship between "two head out", '.

Photovoltaic (pv) "two head out" in the past usually refers to silicon material source and solar inverters components in foreign markets.

The situation has changed. Materials on the one hand, the domestic silicon excess capacity, on the other hand, compared with the abroad, production costs are subject to domestic silicon technology and scale factors, high.

Production cost under $20 / kg abroad, and domestic except a few manufacturers such as gcl-poly, most other manufacturers production costs are generally in the $30 / kg.

As a result, the domestic panel manufacturers still choose imported from abroad, lead to silicon material there are still a significant number of from abroad.

From the point of pure sine wave inverter market, 2011 years ago, the domestic production capacity of more than 90% of exports abroad, but since 2012, in the domestic photovoltaic industry support under the action of a series of policy, the rapid development of domestic pv power generation and installed capacity of more than 3, 2012 gigawatts (gw), and for the first time the wind power installed capacity.

It is estimated that the future domestic pv market will be able to digest domestic capacity by 40%.

'to hell and die enterprises, would result in a capacity to go out, have an effect on healthy development of the industry, tow good companies also died.

