
HomePlug is an industry standardization alliance, stmicroelectronics is one of the main founder of the organization

The organization's mission is to promote the standardization of low-cost interoperability of family dc ac inverter line network and product development and application.

HomePlug technology completely accord with standard of IEEE1901 broadband power line network (media access control) and physical layer specifications, to provide customers with a complete interoperability technology ecological system, ensure to gigabit Ethernet service evolution.

HomePlug standard has two compatible version:

HomePlug GP (Green PHY), mainly used for smart grid and smart electric equipment products.

HomePlug AV (audio/video), is a consumer electronics home networking standards.

Recently, HomePlug alliance received the electric vehicle charging interface coordination organization on behalf of the five German automaker about choose PLC IEEE1901 Profile Green PHY HomePlug (GP) as a plug-in electric car and charging piles between the communication technology of the confirmation letter.

Soon after, three auto giant gm, ford and Toyota also announced that choose this standard, HomepluGP has now become the electric car charging actual standard.

Electric vehicle to grid (V2G) power communication function will let between companies and consumers can manage the charging process of plug-in electric cars, electric power company can in peak season control grid electricity consumption.

New standard V2G will contain a common physical layer and data link layer communication technologies.

New IEEE P1905.1 low frequency (below 500kHz) narrowband power line communications standard benchmark is a new communication performance and reliability, as well as with the existing "PRIME" and the "G3 - PLC OFDM technology interoperability.

P1905.1 new standards define a common abstraction layer a variety of home network technology, integrated the P1901 and other home network technology standards.

P1905.1 abstraction layer for IEEE 1901, IEEE 802.11 and IEEE 802.3 standard 802.3 and MoCA heterogeneous home network technology and the P1905.

