
CVCF inverter waveform based control design

In power electronic devices to CVCF pure sine wave inverter  s the core of UPS has been widely applied, its output waveform major technical requirements include low steady-state total harmonic distortion (THD) and fast dynamic response, since non-linear load, PWM modulation process dead and inverter system itself weakly damped and other factors, using the general closed-loop PWM control is not ideal. In this paper, the United States produced by TI TMS320F240DSP for the control chip, using repetitive control system to improve steady-state performance with the introduction of integral control pole configuration to improve the dynamic characteristics of the system, the experimental results show that the scheme can simultaneously achieve high quality of homeostasis and dynamic characteristics.

Repeat controller design

The basic idea of ​​repetitive control from control theory internal model principle, that if you want the control system of a reference instruction to achieve no static error tracking, then the instruction that generated the reference model must be included in the stable closed-loop control system internally. First, the system uses the figure of repetitive control block diagram, the following analysis and explanation of its various parts.

P (z) is the dc to ac power inverter input and output of the discrete transfer function, is the system control object. Inverter switching frequency than the natural frequency of the LC filter is much higher, the dynamic characteristics determined primarily by the LC filter, obtained by establishing state equation P (z). In this system, L = 0.88mH, C = 60μF, inductor series resistance of 0.4Ω, the switching frequency and the sampling frequency is 10KHz, deduced discrete transfer function is:

Notch filter S1 (z) is mainly used for cancellation of the inverter resonant peak, a second order filter S2 (z) mainly provides high frequency attenuation. Zk links lead compensation filter S (z) and the control target P (z) the total phase lag, Kr is a duplicate control gain. Compensator C (z) to achieve the purpose of the object to the corrected low frequency gain close to 1, as soon as the high frequency gain is reduced to-26dB or less, and the system in the low frequency band prior to the passage of the total phase shift as small as possible. Take Kr = 0.9, zk = z5, to C (z) P (z) Bode diagram

