
Electronic Tattoo: goodbye with bulky medical equipment

Hey, remember when they played the kind of simple good-looking temporary tattoo stickers do ? Simply favorite designs cut down, and then dipped in water, can be in any part of the body "Indian " to sell other small partners envy of " work of art ."
[ Technology ] electronic tattoo : goodbye with bulky medical equipment

Human preferences tattoos long time, as far as can be traced back to primitive times . About the causes of tattoos , there are a variety of claims . In ancient times, tattoos in addition to beautifying the body , to frighten the enemy , highlighting the cultural role, even for adults to have sex right kind of symbol symbol.To learn more please visit: http://www.solarpanelcellonline.com/

However, the University of Illinois in the United States , John Professor Rogers eyes, tattoo of value should have more room for imagination . In recent years, Rogers and his research team has been committed to the development of ultra-thin , flexible electronics , and their latest research results is the ability to accurately measure a person's body temperature , you can also monitor the flow of heat and skin vasoconstriction expansion etc. electronic Tattoo (electronic tattoo).

"We want to reshape and redefine electronics equipment, so they look and people to be more ' seamless ' such as this electronic tattoo looks like human skin surface ." Rogers said , electronic tattoo monitoring information for people with heart friends vascular disease is very important.
[ Technology ] electronic tattoo : goodbye with bulky medical equipment

The electronic tattoo modified by a special joint made ​​of silicon and other materials , and its golden wavy pattern is actually a miniature sensors. Sensor thickness of less than 50 microns , is mounted in a water-soluble plastic ( 10875 , 105.00 , 0.97% ) on . Since the sensor surface of the polyester layer between the skin and the human body has a weak adhesive force, so thin electronic tattoo simply "over " the water, can be a good fit to the skin. Either you free to move, compression and tension , electronic tattoo will not break.

Although electronic tattoo thickness less than 50 microns ( diameter than a human hair thinner ) , but the mini figure was " hidden universe " , which contains an antenna used to transmit data and a tiny solar cell manufacturers or a small coil ( can be placed near the induction coil electrical power ) .
[ Technology ] electronic tattoo : goodbye with bulky medical equipment

Compared to conventional temperature measuring instruments , electronic tattoo biggest feature is close to human skin, a long time accurate monitoring of body temperature for 24 hours . By increasing the voltage to the tattoo , it can transfer energy to the skin of the user , a certain treatment. Rogers previous studies , this has been used to measure electronic tattoo human leg , heart and brain waves. Surprisingly, the results showed that : Electronic Tattoo and traditional method of measuring radio as good .

